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2 Big Lessons To Grow Your Business In 2024 - SWI #51

2 Big Lessons To Grow Your Business In 2024 - SWI #51

Lynne and Steve Lynne and Steve

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Here we are, with 2023 drawing to a close.

It was a great year.

But it was also a hard year.

For us, the great parts included helping a record number of businesses grow.

We doubled our profit.

We launched a free product we’re super proud of.

We made massive, exciting plans for 2024.

But we also had to cope with the loss of a loved one.

We made big, ambitious investment decisions.

And as husband and wife, we had to learn how to build a business AND keep loving each other 🥴🥰.

Not easy feats.

But there’s a saying that we love:

Pain + Reflection = Progress

The hard parts are what made us better.

They taught us 2 big lessons that we’re using right now to grow our business in 2024.

Use both, and you’ll be growing too.


1) Success is supposed to be hard:

If you were asked at the beginning of the year:

“Will achieving your 2023 goals be easy or hard?”

Most of us would say hard.

So why do we tend to get frustrated and anxious when it’s hard?

Big goals are supposed to be hard.

Looking back at 2023, we didn’t appreciate this enough.

We didn’t recognise how much we were learning and progressing BECAUSE of the challenges.

If you have big goals in 2024, you will have moments of frustration.

You will have doubts.

What’s important is to lean in.

For us, in 2024, we’ll be expecting hard moments.

Instead of stumbling or slowing down, we’ll recognise it’s part of the process, and keep pushing.

Lesson learned:

Success is supposed to be hard. Find & embrace challenges in 2024.

2) Stop trying to do things alone:

Next question:

“Would you rather climb Mount Everest alone, or with a guide?”

Hopefully, you said with a guide.

Because doing anything hard alone makes ZERO sense.

Especially as a business owner.

It’s impossible to be an expert in Strategy, Operations, Finance, Sales, and every other important part of your business.

There’s a reason you climb Mount Everest with a guide.

In the business world, there’s a reason big companies have a board of directors and teams of executives.

They’re advisors.

They help keep you on course.

They provide expertise and perspective you can’t possibly have on your own.

We learned this the hard way in our business this year.

We learned that we needed our version of a board of directors.

So we invested in it.

We have a team of guides- 2 business coaches, and various mentors we use for specific expertise based on our needs.

This has helped us grow quicker and more easily; making fewer mistakes and better decisions.

It’s also the reason we doubled our profit.

Lesson Learned:

Increase your profit and grow faster by getting help. Don't do things alone in 2024!

Here’s a bonus lesson:

Things don’t change unless you change.

Don’t expect different results in 2024 unless you make substantial changes.

'Pain + Reflection = Progress' only works when you choose to take action.

Appreciate the pain, take time to reflect, and seek out support to achieve your big goals in 2024.

You got this- let’s go!

Lynne and Steve


  • You only get better if you reflect. You make the MOST progress when you reflect on the areas that challenged you.
  • If you want to grow your business in 2024, remember that ​​​success is supposed to be hard. Find and embrace challenges.
  • Increase your profit and grow faster by getting help. Stop trying to do it alone!
  • Things don't change unless you change. Choose to take action, and go!

Happy 2024 all; Here's to a great one!

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