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Umm... like... sorry... 3 Ways to Build Communication Credibility - SWI #33

Umm... like... sorry... 3 Ways to Build Communication Credibility - SWI #33

Lynne and Steve Lynne and Steve

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Communication Credibility

Read time: 3 mins

So... today we're ummm...

talking about ahhhh...

the words you use,


in between other words when you're ummm...


You know?

Filler words.

Filler words like "um," "ah," "hmm," "like," "you know," and "alright" are verbal ticks used instead of pauses, or to ease awkwardness in speech.

They're very common and mostly unconscious, meaning we're not even aware when we're using them.

But when over-used, they can be a major credibility killer and will impact your personal brand.

Today we're discussing why filler words can be an issue, and how to remove them, so you can elevate your professional communication and credibility.

Let's get into it:

Filler words often come out when we're nervous or uncomfortable.

And because speaking in professional settings can be nerve-wracking and uncomfortable, it's not surprising that meetings, presentations, and interviews can be FULL of filler words.

And while you may not notice your filler words, your audience probably does - even if only subconsciously.

Research has shown that when you use filler words, the people you're speaking to:

  • find it hard to pay attention to your message,
  • trust you and your message less,
  • assume you're not prepared,
  • assume you're nervous,
  • and even start to feel nervous for you.

And you're missing out on an opportunity to have your presence felt and your message heard.

Here are 3 strategies to eliminate them:


1. Get to know your filler words

The best way to become aware of your filler words is to record yourself speaking and watch it back.

This may sound cringe-worthy, and it probably will be the first few times.

But it will be far better to watch cringe-worthy recordings in private than in real life in front of your audience.

Here are a few ideas to try out:

  • Use the 'Voice Memo' app on your iPhone to record a practice run of your next presentation. Note down a count for each filler word used.
  • Of course there's an app for that too: LikeSo and The Um Detector use voice recognition technology to count how many filler words you use.
  • Ask someone you trust to watch you present, and give you feedback afterwards. If you want to really step it up, ask them to clap or make a buzzer noise any time you use a filler word.

2. Embrace the power of the pause

Eliminating filler words is very difficult if you're not replacing them with something else.

Pausing is the most effective replacement: contrary to popular belief, a pause usually isn't perceived negatively.

It conveys confidence, thoughtfulness, and builds anticipation for your audience.

Here's how we suggest building pauses into your presenting:

  • Watch examples of great public speakers (see "For the action takers" below). Note when and how they pause and how they make you feel as a listener.
  • Change your mindset on silence. If you believe silence isn't okay, you'll always try to fill it.
  • If ever you're uncomfortable with silence, remember this quote from Mark Twain:

"The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause."

3. Practice

Filler words won't disappear overnight.

It will take conscious and disciplined practice to remove them and build new habits.

Here are some suggestions to build a practice around speaking more eloquently:

  • Record your zoom meetings (perfect opportunity to record you speaking naturally) and watch one back every week. Note down your use of filler words and focus on getting better each time.
  • Prepare before every meeting, presentation or speech. Practice what you're going to say out loud, replacing filler words with pauses. Then, ask your trusted friend to throw questions your way. Practice pausing to think and prepare your answer before you start speaking.
  • Use social media. Facebook or Instagram stories are how Lynne removed her filler words. She committed to recording and posting a story every other day for a year as a way of building her confidence in public speaking. Give it a go - they disappear in 24 hours anyway.

For the action takers:

  1. Watch some of these great examples of speakers demonstrating the power of the pause: How to Start a Speech and Steve Jobs @ MIT 1992 - "What's the most important thing that you personally learned at Apple...?" and Barack Obama's 3 Best Public Speaking Tips | Forbes .
  2. Build awareness of your filler words. Hit record yourself next time you speak and listen back.

We would love to hear you're going to try and don't forget to reach out if you get stuck.

Thanks so much for reading!

Speak soon,

Lynne and Steve


  • Filler words are essential to remove in your speaking. They distract from your message and reduce your credibility.
  • If you want to be perceived as a confident and clear speaker, and make an impact when you speak:
  1. Get to know your filler words
  2. Embrace the power of the pause
  3. Practice

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