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3 ways to use AI to get your next job - SWI #27

3 ways to use AI to get your next job - SWI #27

Lynne and Steve Lynne and Steve

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Last week we shared how AI tools can create more time.

Now we’re sharing how AI tools can create your next opportunity.

If you want to grow your career and could use a little help, read on.

Today it's Part 2: 3 ways to use AI to get your next job.

Let's get into it:

Can you guess how many hours of effort it will take to achieve your next career goal?

We know the pain of updating resumes, putting cover letters together, and prepping for interviews.

We know what it takes to talk to recruiters, reach out to your network, and go through the whole application/interview/waiting process.

New AI tools can help you cut that time down and navigate the 'new job' process successfully.

Here are 3 easy use cases for you to experiment with:


1. Use AI to write your resume

There are tons of AI-powered resume builders that make designing a slick-looking resume a whole lot easier.

These tools can help with:

  • Auto-generating resume content in professional language.
  • Generating content based on a position description you upload.
  • Formatting and publishing it in polished, good-looking templates.
  • Ensuring keywords are present to help with HR or recruiter searches.
  • Providing recommendations to improve your resume based on your industry, background, and career goals.

But before you go wild, a few words of caution:

These tools are great to not have to start your resume from scratch, but DO NOT build your resume with AI and blindly submit it.

You still need to provide high-quality inputs and review it afterwards, otherwise your resume will be generic and uninspiring to any hiring manager or HR partner.

If you need help, reach out for support here.

If you're ready to have a play, try Novoresume, Enchancv, or VisualCV – links are in our handy list at the end of this issue.

2. Use AI to ace your interviews

Preparation is key to a great interview.

And yep, you guessed it. You can use AI for this too.

There are AI tools that can help with:

  • Providing advice and feedback based on how you answer practice interview questions.
  • Identifying likely questions based on a job description.
  • Generating challenging interview questions for you to prep for.
  • Sharing insights and market research on an industry, company, or type of role to help you craft thoughtful answers.

Language models (e.g. ChatGPT, Google Bard, etc.) are not a bad place to start for this kind of help, but you can also check out apps specifically designed for interview support, like Mockmate or Yoodli .

Plus, apps like Poised and Ecoute are being developed to help you during online interviews by providing real-time feedback and guidance.

We prefer the old-fashioned way of doing it on our own - but the concept is definitely worth checking out!

3. Use AI to negotiate your next raise or promotion

First, there's a lot that AI can't do for you here:

  • It can't give you clarity on what you want from your next career move,
  • It can't create great relationships that open doors for you (but you can do that in our free course here),
  • It certainly can't help you overcome personal reasons you feel stuck or unable to progress, etc.

(That's where we come in as coaches 😉).

But AI can still help.

Here’s how you could use it:

  • Research salary trends, industry standards, and job market conditions for the role you're interested in
  • Practice negotiation scenarios to refine your arguments and responses
  • Review and refine your written communication to make a more persuasive request

For fun, we asked Google Bard to help us plan how to ask for a raise.

Here's what we asked it, and what it came up with:

Google Bard response to raise/promotion prompt

The response isn't bad, but as you can see, it's not great either.

Interestingly, when prompted with the same question a 2nd and 3rd time, we got slight variations on the answer above, with more reasons to consider (such as company finances, your communication skills, etc.)

And this underscores our final point for this newsletter:

AI is not the be all, end all.

It doesn't understand the context and nuances of your personal circumstances, so can't give the high-quality advice and support that a expert mentor or coach can.

But we still think AI is useful.

It won't solve your problems, but it is a great tool to help you solve problems.

In our view, it’s totally worth trying out, and when you’re ready for a human to help you really move the dial on your career, you know where to find us!

For the action takers:

1) Choose 1 of the tools above (or from the handy TLDR list below) and test it out! Let us know how you go.

2) Seek personalised support with a mentor or coach to more quickly and effectively make your next career move.

Thanks for reading!

Speak soon,

Lynne and Steve


  • AI can help you get your next job.
  • There are AI tools available today that can help with writing your resume, prepping for interviews, and negotiating your next raise or promotion.
  • AI can't offer the personalised advice and support that a qualified and experienced coach or mentor can.

Tools we mentioned in this issue:

When you're ready, here's how we can support you further:

Join the Unlock Your Network course

Our free 7-day course will help you learn the strategy, tools, and tactics to build a network that creates opportunities for you.

Work with us

We offer coaching & mentoring to help professionals build impactful careers and businesses. Enquire here .

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