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Your Network: Are you making this success mistake? - SWI #23

Your Network: Are you making this success mistake? - SWI #23

Lynne and Steve Lynne and Steve

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Most people deprioritise networking.

Big mistake.

And we get it.

Life is busy.

Networking feels awkward.

You don't want to bother or impose on others.

But we also don't get it, probably because we know the extreme upside that a strong network offers:

  • 70% of jobs are not even advertised on job websites.
  • 85% of the vacancies are filled via referrals.
  • 80% of B2B customers make decisions based on the experience they have with each other.
  • Executives say they would lose 28% of their business if they stopped networking.*

Bottom line
: it matters enough to prioritise.

Second bottom line: you can make networking EASIER, less awkward, and more effective in supporting your career and business goals with our new free e-course.

Today we're sharing a mini-preview of what's included and the details to pre-register.



1. How to align your goals with your network:

2 challenges most people face:

1) They don't have clear goals - so their network doesn't know how to help them.

2) Even if they have clear goals, they don't have a network that's equipped to support them to achieve their goals.

To get around this, you need clear goals AND the ability to build a network can help you realise them.

2. How to identify and overcome your networking blockers:

Blockers are anything that prevent you from networking at all and/or networking effectively.

We all have them, so it's important to conduct a self-assessment on what's preventing you from taking action.

Even if you have a good network, look at what's preventing you from transitioning from good to great, and learn the tools to overcome them.

3. How to create a personalised strategy:

Most people are winging their networking.

This wastes time, effort, and energy - and reduces your results.

Take the time to plan, and learn how to create a plan easily (our 4-step process takes 10 minutes).

4. How to use clever tactics to make it easier

  • How do you reach out to people without feeling awkward?
  • How do you tell your personal story effectively?
  • How do you ask for something without feeling icky?
  • How do you exit a conversation that's going on for way too long?, etc...

There are SO many tactics to learn.

When you learn them, unlocking your network to create more opportunity becomes so much easier.

What happens when you learn this stuff?

These strategies - and others that you'll find in the course - have resulted in significant raises, promotions, business growth, development opportunities, and more for us and many of our clients.

It doesn't have to be hard.
It doesn't have to take ages.

You just need to know where to start, who to trust, and how to do it.

That's why we have developed our FREE email course and a +7000-word eBook that covers it all.

In line with our mission, we really wanted to do something for our community that moves the needle and makes an impact.

The sneak peek

The free email course includes:

  • 7 emails with 1 lesson per day, delivered to your inbox for 7 days
  • 1 e-book, with all the course content accessible in 1 place
  • 5 simple steps, to get started even if you don't know where to start
  • 8 common challenges to overcome, and guidance to overcome them
  • 5 core principles, that take all the 'ick' out of networking
  • 1 personalised networking plan, to start networking with intent
  • 4 pro tactics, to start implementing quickly
  • 7,000+ words, diving deep into key topics
  • +Too many extras to count

We're really excited to share it with you!

For the action takers:

If it's time to unlock your network, learn more and pre-register for the course.

It comes out in 2 weeks! 👇

Unlock Your Network Course Info

See you there!

Speak soon,

Lynne and Steve


  • Your network is responsible for a huge portion of your opportunities
  • You're probably not maximising the potential of your network
  • We've built a HUGE and free e-course to help you do it more easily and effectively.
  • Learn more and sign up here - can't wait to share it with you in 2 weeks!

*Stats on networking gathered from https://novoresume.com/career-blog/networking-statistics

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