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Do You Have Shiny Object Syndrome? - SWI #82

Do You Have Shiny Object Syndrome? - SWI #82

Lynne and Steve Lynne and Steve

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As coaches, we often see business owners jump from one new idea to the next — a new marketing strategy, a different product, even a completely new business idea.

The new thing feels worthy of your focus and energy.

But here's the truth:

A lot of the time, it's a shiny object, and you have Shiny Object Syndrome:

Shiny Object Syndrome is a continual state of distraction brought on by an ongoing belief that there is something new worth pursuing. It often comes at the expense of what's already planned or underway. 

The new idea is SO tempting, because it's shiny.

It's not your current business, with its current challenges, which aren't all that shiny.

The new, shiny object is an out: a way to avoid the challenges of your current business.

It's easier to start something new than to push through the tough parts of building an existing business.

But here's the kicker:

You'll never succeed if you keep avoiding the hard things - because new things are only shiny when they're new.

As reality creeps in, the shine will wear off.

Then you'll need to jump to the next thing, creating a long series of things you're avoiding.

Kind of like this: 

So, what can you do?

If you think you might have shiny object syndrome when it comes to your business, try these 3 things:

1) Notice Your Patterns

  • Identify the areas you're consistently avoiding. What tasks or challenges do you frequently push aside in favor of new ideas? Maybe it's creating a 12-month plan, having hard discussions with your team, or developing better processes for a more efficient business.
  • Reflect on why you’re avoiding these areas. Is it not knowing what to do, or how to do it? Or maybe you're worried about failing if you put real effort and energy into it. Being aware of the root cause can help you address your patterns.

2) Challenge Them

  • Avoid the temptation to jump to a new thing. Instead, examine whether it's worth overcoming your existing challenges. If it is, don't jump ship! Dig in, and put your effort and energy into building your business.

3) Get a Coach

  • Everyone gets shiny object syndrome from time to time. It helps A LOT to have someone in your corner keeping you on track.
  • When we coach our clients, we help them stay focused on the bigger picture, and guide each next step they need to take, to avoid getting sidetracked by every new idea that comes along.
  • We also help them better understand their patterns, where they come from, and how to change them. This deeper insight allows for more effective and lasting change.

By implementing these strategies, you can avoid shiny object syndrome and focus on building a successful and sustainable business.

What's the one thing you will do this week to stay focused?

Let us know!

Lynne and Steve


  • Shiny object syndrome is a convenient excuse for avoiding challenges in your business.
  • Notice your patterns: Identify what you consistently avoid.
  • Challenge them: Examine whether it's worth overcoming your existing challenges instead of jumping to a new thing.
  • Get a coach: Stay accountable, gain an external perspective, and understand and change your patterns.

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