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Business Growth: Time To Up The Tension 💪💪💪 - SWI #52

Business Growth: Time To Up The Tension 💪💪💪 - SWI #52

Lynne and Steve Lynne and Steve

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Business growth

Read time: 3 mins

How many reps do you do at the gym?

For most of us, it's 8-12.

But who came up with these numbers?

Truth is, 8-12 is arbitrary.

Real fitness gains kick in when your body struggles, be it at 4 reps or 20.

If the 12th rep isn't challenging, you're not getting stronger.

The same applies in your business.

Growth happens when it hurts.

Not when it’s easy.

In today's newsletter, we'll share key areas within your business to embrace what's hard, in order to maximise your gains.

Let's get into it!



This might be most controversial, so let's start here.

Do you ever get complaints about your service?

If not, you probably need to lower your service level.

Not pleasing all your customers can be uncomfortable.

But 0 tension = 0 growth.

Every increase in the service level you provide has an associated cost.

There’s a reason an Apple Genius Bar doesn't have a 0-minute wait time.

They are continuously balancing service and cost.

Embracing that tension is how they maximise their outcomes.


Do you ever get complaints about your prices?

If not, it's probably time to raise them.

Raising prices can be uncomfortable.

You may not know what your current or future customers are willing to pay.

You may not know what competitors are charging.

But 0 tension = 0 growth.

There’s a reason hotels and planes are never full.

They're continuously balancing profit with the right price.


Does your team ever challenge your ideas or say no to you?

If not, it's probably time to change your standards.

Disagreements can be uncomfortable, but a culture of yes-people stifles business growth, innovation, and profitability.

0 tension = 0 growth.

There’s a reason that businesses with diverse teams and opinions are more profitable.

They are constantly challenging each other to find the best ideas to implement.

Sounds harsh?

It might be.

But if it always feels easy, you're leaving money on the table and limiting your growth.

Sounds hard to do in real life?

It is.

That's where personal trainers (i.e. coaches like us, in the business world) come in.

We help you find the right ways to apply tension in your business, and keep you accountable for getting fit.

Reach out for support.

Embrace that tension this year, and 2024 will be your strongest yet.

Time to get to work!

Speak soon,

Lynne and Steve


  • Tension helps your business grow.
  • Break free from the routines and what’s easy.
  • Ask the right questions to find areas of tension, and leverage it for growth.
  • Reach out for help to do this well in your business.

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Our free 7-day course will help you learn the strategy, tools, and tactics to build a network that creates opportunities for you.

â–¶ Work with us

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