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Focus: Are You Making This Mistake Too? - SWI #107

Focus: Are You Making This Mistake Too? - SWI #107

Lynne and Steve Lynne and Steve

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One of our clients recently came to us with an ambitious to-do list for 2025 — revamping their website, launching a new product line, updating their entire social media strategy, implementing a new system, and hiring new team members.

Maybe you’ve got a similar list?

While it’s great to be excited and ambitious at the start of the year, the risk of a giant to-do list is real.

Not only is it often unrealistic, but it’s also distracting.

Trying to tackle everything scatters your energy in 100 directions.

Instead of focusing on achieving your big business goals, your energy and attention are diverted—and diluted.

With our client, we helped them narrow their focus to what mattered most. 

It was a great reminder of the importance of focusing your energy in the right places.

So today, we’re sharing 3 ways to focus your energy and make 2025 your best year yet.

Let’s dive in!


1. Get Crystal Clear on Your Top Goals

It's much easier to laser-focus your energy towards to things that matter when your main goals are super clear.

It makes creating your to-do list easy (only the things that directly link to your goals), and gives you time to harness opportunities and create momentum. 

When your goals aren’t clear, your energy is scattered, and it becomes easy to get sidetracked, wasting time on tasks that don’t mean much.

What this means for your business:

Choose one or two main goals for the year and channel your energy into them.

Whether it’s increasing your customer base, launching a new service, or improving your team dynamics, focus your attention and energy on those goals. 

This concentration will make your efforts more impactful and increase your chances of success.

2. Don’t Let Setbacks Drain Your Energy

It’s inevitable—challenges will arise. 

But if you dwell on them, you’ll just add more stress to your plate.

Instead of fixating on the problem, focus on what you can control: lessons learned, next steps, and solutions.

What this means for your business:

If something goes wrong, take time to understand, learn from, and address the issue, then move forward.

Don't waste energy ruminating. 

3. Get Your Team On Board

The power of focusing your energy is multiplied when your entire team is with you on #1 and 2 above.

Big goals are never achieved alone.

The magic happens when everyone on your team is directing their energy towards shared objectives.

And when things go wrong, if the whole team focuses solutions, you'll move forward a lot quicker.

What this means for your business: 

Clearly communicate your goals and make sure your team understands where they need to focus their energy to contribute.

Then, set expectations for how the whole team will tackle challenges. If everyone is clear from the get-go, it's a lot easier to hold each other accountable for staying solutions-focused when things go wrong.

Bottom Line:

Where you focus your energy has a direct impact on the results you get. 

By focusing on what matters most, staying solution-focused, and aligning your team, you’ll set yourself up for a successful 2025.

Speak soon,

Lynne & Steve


  1. Choose 1 or 2 key goals to focus on and put all your energy there.
  2. Focus on solutions, not setbacks.
  3. Align your team with the 2 ideas above to multiply your efforts.

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