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How To Introduce Yourself - SWI #112

How To Introduce Yourself - SWI #112

Lynne and Steve Lynne and Steve

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How do you introduce yourself?

We've all been there: you’re at a networking event, and someone asks that classic question:

“So, what do you do?”

You could give the standard answer, “I’m an accountant,” and move on, but let’s be honest—it doesn’t exactly make you stand out. 

The truth is, how you introduce yourself can shape the entire tone of the conversation and, ultimately, your chances of creating a meaningful connection.

So why not take this as an opportunity to showcase exactly how you can help and spark interest? 

Today, we’re sharing 3 non-boring, super effective ways to answer “So, what do you do?” to get people to take notice and want to learn more. 

Let’s dive in:




1. The 'I Help' Statement 

This simple framework is perfect for making your answer relatable and interesting. 

Instead of just listing your job title or business type, focus on the problem you solve and the impact you have on your clients or customers.


Our accountant could say something like, “I help small business owners who are struggling to keep up with their finances get organised and save time so they can focus on growing their business.”

Or they could be a bit cheeky and say, “I help small business owners pay the least tax humanly possible, so they can go on more holidays.”

Why it works: 

This answer doesn’t just tell people what you do; it tells them how you solve a specific problem they might be facing.

It sparks interest because it’s clear, relatable, and shows the benefit of working with you.


2. The 'Present – Past – Future' Framework 

This approach (which we learned from this Talk About Talk podcast) gives you the chance to speak to what you do now (present), showcase your experience (past), and hint at what’s coming next (future).

It’s a great way to keep your answer dynamic and build engagement.


“I’m an accountant working with small business owners. I started 10 years ago helping startups get their finances in order. Now, I’m focused on working with more companies who are ready to scale and tackle their next big challenge.”

Why it works:

This framework sets a clear structure for your answer.

It helps you balance who you are, what you’ve accomplished, and what you’re looking forward to, which gets people intrigued about what you can bring to the table.


3. The 'What, So What, Now What' Framework

This method breaks down your answer into three parts: what you do, why it matters, and what comes next.

We came across it here, and have found it really effective in explaining context and creating urgency, making your answer more compelling and relevant.


  • What: "I’m an accountant who helps small business owners manage their finances and stay on top of tax compliance."
  • So What: "So many small business owners get overwhelmed by the complexities of finances and taxes, which can lead to costly mistakes or missed opportunities."
  • Now What: "I help business owners stay organised, minimise their tax liability, and create a solid financial strategy so they can focus on growing their business instead of worrying about their books."

Why it works:

This framework clearly outlines the problem you're solving, why it matters to the listener, and how they can benefit from working with you.


Bottom Line:

Next time someone asks, “What do you do?” take the opportunity to really engage.

Whether you use the ‘I Help’ statement, the ‘Present – Past – Future’ framework, or the ‘What, So What, Now What’ approach, make sure your answer is clear, relevant, and speaks to the real value you offer.

The right answer will spark interest, start conversations, and build connections that matter.



Speak soon!

Lynne and Steve





  • Having a unique response to "What do you do?" can make you memorable and spark meaningful connections when you introduce yourself.

  • Try the 'I Help' statement to showcase what you solve.

  • Use 'Present – Past – Future' to show your experience and future direction.

  • Use 'What, So What, Now What' to clarify the problem, why it matters, and how you solve it.

  • Next time someone asks what you do, try out one of these frameworks and stand out!



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