Read time: 3 mins
“I just can’t find staff who care as much as I do.”
You know what it’s like:
- Your team doesn’t work as hard as you.
- They arrive later and leave earlier.
- And their level of care and commitment to the business doesn’t come close to yours.
And yet, growing a successful business hinges on the dedication and performance of your team.
What can you do about this problem?
Is it even possible to fix?
Today, we’re sharing 3 insights to get your team to care about your business.
Let’s get into it:
First, here’s why this is a problem worth solving:
Employee engagement is directly linked to your bottom line.
The Gallup research from 2022 shows that companies with an engaged team have:
- +20% more profit
- 81% lower absenteeism
- +40% better staff retention
- and more (see the link to the research below).
Accepting disengaged staff means accepting poorer results.
So for most, it’s worth doing something about.
Having been in your shoes, as executives and business owners, here’s what we suggest starting with:
1) Accept that you’ll always care more:
Here’s the truth:
As the owner, you'll always care more about your business than your staff.
Because it's YOUR business.
It's your dream, your vision, your financial future, and your legacy, not theirs.
You have more on the line, so you will (and SHOULD) always care the most.
So instead of trying to get your team to care as much as you, put your energy into building a team that's as engaged as possible.
The next 2 insights focus on how to do it.
2) Hire & keep the right people:
Don’t make the mistake of hiring & keeping people with the best technical skills or experience.
Instead, focus on people who:
- Are connected with your company’s purpose and vision (e.g. they believe in what your company exists to do, and where it’s heading).
- Are aligned with your organisation’s values (e.g. they have similar priorities and standards of behaviour, such as collaboration, learning & innovation, etc.)
Skills can be taught. Experience can be gained.
Alignment with your purpose, vision, and values is much harder to change.
Do yourself a favour and tailor your approach to hire and keep the right people.
This will make getting your team to care about your business will be SO much easier.
3) Focus on an engaged culture:
It's a common misconception that people will care more if you pay them more.
But employee engagement isn't built through paychecks or promotions.
According to the same Gallup research, engaged employees:
- Get purpose & meaning from their work.
- Have the opportunity to grow and develop their skills
- Feel like their manager cares about them.
- Have regular, open dialogue on how they're performing.
- Get to use their strengths to make meaningful contributions.
It may sound daunting to weave all of these things into your work culture.
But remember, it’s worth it.
And it’s totally possible with the right leadership skills, thoughtful planning, and a commitment to implementing them.
Plus, we’re here to help if you need it.
BUT, most won't do anything with this email.
If you got this far, do yourself this one favour.
Don't stop now!
Marry the energy you have with at least 1 action:
- Start addressing 1 of the 5 key drivers of employee engagement in your business tomorrow.
- Email us (just click 'Reply') your plan or questions; we’re happy to help.
You've got this!
Speak soon,
Lynne and Steve
- It can be frustrating to have a team that doesn’t care as much about your business as you do.
- An engaged team means more profit, lower absenteeism, and lower turnover.
- Don’t try to get your team to care as much as you. They never will.
- Instead, focus on hiring and keeping people who connect with your company’s purpose and vision, and who share your organisation’s values.
- Then, build an engaged culture by prioritising the 5 drivers of engagement (purpose, development, a caring manager, ongoing conversations, and a focus on strengths).
Extra Resources:
1. Here's a great interview with Simon Sinek and Stephen Bartlett from the Diary of A CEO podcast on many topics including people and culture. They agree with many of the points we mention:
2. Here's the link to the Gallup research we mention in this issue:
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