Read time: 2 mins
When your business is just getting started, you have the most influence on whether you succeed or not.
Because it's all you!
Not so when you're growing.
With each new addition to your team, success increasingly depends on the TEAM more than it does on YOU.
But getting a team engaged and implementing your business priorities is HARD.
It can feel like herding cats.
It's not impossible though - and it's essential to get right, so everyone stays focused on the things that matter.
So, today we're sharing a simple, 3-step process that works for our clients.
Use it to help your team remember your business priorities - and get those cats in line.
Let's get into it!
1. Get clear yourself:
If you aren’t clear on your priorities, how can your team be?
It’s also not helpful to say “everything is a priority”.
If you have more than 3 priorities, you have none.
Start with consistently taking time to review, narrow down, and document the top 3 priorities for yourself first, before you expect anyone else to know & execute them.
2. Communicate clearly:
Unclear communication is a surefire way to get the cats heading off in different directions.
So, once you have your priorities clear yourself, communicate them to your team in a way that is clear for THEM.
The quick email or Slack message that you think is great might not work for everyone.
Think about what type of communication your team needs from you, and tailor your communication for them.
This might mean changing up your style, mode, and timing to really get the message across on what the priorities are.
3. Incentivise appropriately:
It’s hard to get your team to care about your priorities if they aren’t incentivised to care.
How can you add more of a reward for achieving big priorities in your team?
These can come in all shapes and sizes, and don’t have to be remuneration.
Explore options like goal-based bonuses, recognition, awards, sponsorship, team-building events, leadership opportunities, and coaching or mentorship programs.
Giving your team a reason to care will make a big difference in their focus and execution.
And that's it!
Give it a go - we've seen this simple process do wonders to keep teams on track and kicking goals.
Now it's up to you!
Thanks for reading and speak soon!
Lynne & Steve
As a business grows, owners need to keep their team focused on the right priorities.
Try out our 3-step process to keep your team focused on what matters - get clear yourself, communicate clearly, and incentivise appropriately.
When you're ready, here's how we can support you further:
▶ Join the Unlock Your Network course
Our free 7-day course will help you learn the strategy, tools, and tactics to build a network that creates opportunities for you.
▶ Work with us
We offer coaching & mentoring to help professionals build impactful careers and businesses. Enquire here .