Read time: 2 mins
This month, the world's biggest football/soccer star, Lionel Messi, reportedly turned down a massive 4-year contract worth ~$1.6B in Saudi Arabia to play for Miami FC in the United States.
After reading and researching the Messi Deal, we found a TON of insights that translated to building your network to achieve your goals.
Today, we're sharing our 3 favourite.
Bonus: you don't need to be the world's biggest star at anything to use them.
Let's get into it:
First, a few facts:
Messi will reportedly sign a deal that includes:
- +$150M in salary
- Partnership deals with Apple, Adidas and others for significant long term value
- Future potential ownership in the American league, MLS
The approach to partnerships is fascinating, as it could change the way sports contracts are shaped in the future.
Salary will increasingly become a smaller part of the equation as stars consider longer-term partnerships and band deals as components of an offer.
But let's analyse how this deal can help you kick your goals (pardon the soccer pun) 😉.
1. Build a network to help you leverage information:
Information is power.
In order to make the best decisions for your career and business, leveraging your network to gain access to information can super charge that power.
Think about how you can use your network to understand market demand for salaries, and learn about other examples of unique deals that you could apply in your career or business.
Michael Jordan getting stock equity from Nike and actors getting royalties from movies are examples of deals that are much more lucrative than up-front salary.
Understanding what others have done before you (including what didn't work) can be hugely powerful in deciding how to approach your own negotiations.
2. Build a network that unlocks future opportunities:
Messi is in the latter part of his career. Based on the reported incentives, he will likely benefit from an option for team ownership down the road.
But playing soccer is clearly very different from owning a team.
If we were coaching Messi, we'd encourage him to think about building his network now in a way that supports his future as a team owner.
He should look at working with mentors and other owners who can help him develop the knowledge and skills he'll need to succeed in his future role.
What's your ideal future role?
And is your network set up to help you succeed at it?
If not, we encourage you to start thinking about it.
3. Build a network that helps you wear different hats:
Ensure your network has people who expand your thinking when you're making a big career or business decision.
Messi's decision criteria was not simply about salary (otherwise he surely would have gone with the $1.6B Saudi deal).
There were many other factors he would have considered:
- Longer time horizons: Ownership / opportunities beyond soccer
- Personal brand impact: Some decisions have unforeseen consequences if not thoroughly thought through (e.g. playing in a country with a well documented history of human rights abuses)
- Values: Your career choices should match your values. It can be easy to get pulled into a decision because of the $$, but if the change is misaligned with other values, then it may be a move you end up regretting.
It can be really hard to consider all angles on your own.
That's why we recommend having a thought partner or two in your network who can help you put on different hats when you're considering your next move.
Your Personal Board of Directors
We like to think of your network as your "Personal Board of Directors".
Just like businesses have a board to help them grow & prosper, every person needs help from others who have their back and will support them.
Your personal board of directors (aka your network) should provide you with the opportunities, skills, experience and support that help you achieve your goals.
That's why it's SO important to choose the right board and use it effectively.
Don't have the wrong people advising you.
Design it with intent, and use it for the right things.
It's not easy to do, which is why we created a free course and eBook specifically focused on building your network to help you achieve your goals!
And it's launching in 9 days!!!
The free course includes:
- 7 emails with 1 lesson per day, delivered to your inbox for 7 days
- 1 e-book, with all the course content accessible in 1 place
- 5 simple steps, to get started even if you don't know where to start
- 8 common challenges to overcome, and guidance to overcome them
- 5 core principles, that take all the 'ick' out of networking
- 1 personalised networking plan, to start networking with intent
- 4 pro tactics, to start implementing quickly
- 7,000+ words, diving deep into key topics
- +Too many extras to count
For the action takers:
1) Join 70+ others who've already signed up for the free course. Learn more and pre-register here.
2) Start thinking like Messi: how can you build your network to help you kick more goals?
See you there!
Speak soon,
Lynne and Steve
- Learn from Messi and other current events to move your career and business forward
- Build your network to help you leverage information, unlock future opportunities, and wear different hats
- Learn more about our free course and sign up here - can't wait to share it with you in 9 days!