Read time: 3 mins
Pro athletes don’t accept just “OK”.
They want to become great.
And no athlete becomes great without support.
They have coaches and mentors to help them develop the strategies, mindset, skills, physical conditioning, and discipline that unlocks their potential.
Your business is no different - you have great potential, and unlocking it requires support.
Today we’re sharing 3 secrets to moving from just “OK” to pro in your business.
Let's get into it:
Two weeks ago, we invested $35k in a coach to help us build our business.
That amount of money made our stomachs flip over a couple of times, but then we thought about it carefully.
After doing the numbers, the investment was more than worth it.
We're ready for our business to become great.
And we know that you don't become great without support.
In making the decision to work with an expert, we took a very specific approach to choose the right person, and to ensure we get the most value out of working with them.
We wanted to share it with you, so when you're ready to be great too, you have the exact process we took to achieve that next level of success.
Whether you spend $35k on an exceptional coach or get a mentor for free, use these steps to get the right support to achieve your goals.
1. Recognise you’re more likely to succeed with support
If you’re a lone wolf, you may not see much value in coaching or mentoring.
We’ve seen people say they’ll figure it out on their own, or that they already know what to do to solve their challenges.
Trouble is, they haven’t achieved their goals yet, and aren’t doing what they ‘know’ they need to do.
They struggle alone and take longer to reach their goals, if they ever do at all.
If you don’t have the results you want, it might be worth reconsidering the lone-wolf mentality.
Your growth and learning is accelerated by surrounding yourself with people who can guide you to achieve your goals.
2. Find the right kind of support
There are a lot of shitty coaches and mentors out there.
Some don't have the skills.
Some get the theory but can't apply it.
Some just aren’t a good fit for your specific needs.
We suggest searching carefully until you find the right person who will meet your needs.
Here are the key questions to vet a new coach or mentor:
- Is the expected return on investment worth it to me? (Remember spending money on your self-education and development is an investment, not a cost)
- Do they care more about me achieving my goals and reaching my potential than protecting my ego?
- Do they have the necessary skills and experience to help me succeed?
- Do I feel comfortable and secure with them?
3. Use your support properly
Once you have a coach or mentor, treat the relationship as a partnership, where you put them to work:
- Come prepared to sessions.
- Ask good questions.
- Be open and honest.
- Be vulnerable.
- Put in the work in between sessions to apply your learning.
Make sure you're taking ownership of your progress, and hold them accountable too.
If they're not adding value or delivering on their commitments, speak up or find someone else who will.
For the action takers:
1. If you DON'T have a coach or mentor right now:
- Write down your big, ambitious business goals.
- Consider whether you are genuinely likely to achieve these goals in a reasonable timeframe without support.
- Write down a list of the skills and experience you need to have the success you want.
- Research and write down 3 different coach options (paid and free).
- Make the best decision for you based on our questions in #2 above.
2. If you DO have a coach or mentor right now:
Ask your coach 2 questions to get more out of them:
- What could I be doing differently to accelerate my goals?
- What could you be doing differently to better support me?
Last thing?
Remember, you have greatness in you.
You just have to choose it.
Speak soon,
Lynne and Steve
- You need someone independent to help you accelerate your business.
- Don't choose anyone - choose the right one based on your requirements and resources.
- Put your support person to work - use them properly, holding yourself and them accountable.
Extra Resources
What do Steve Jobs, Sheryl Sandberg, Sunder Pichai, Larry Page and at least 10 other executives of billion & trillion USD companies have in common?
They were all coached by one of the best in the industry, Bill Campbell.
If you're interested in learning more about why the best executives in the world choose to invest in coaching, check out this book about Campbell's work: The Trillion Dollar Coach .
When you're ready, here's how we can support you further:
▶ Join the Unlock Your Network course
Our free 7-day course will help you learn the strategy, tools, and tactics to build a network that creates opportunities for you.
▶ Work with us
We offer coaching & mentoring to help professionals build impactful careers and businesses. Enquire here .