Read time: 4 mins
Today we're digging into the most underrated career-accelerating topic:
The stories you tell yourself.
Here's why:
The results you get in your career will be based on the actions you take.
The actions you take are driven by the stories you tell yourself.
What? Really?
If you want more career success, trust us: spend time on this one.
Let's get into it:
Here's how powerful stories can be:
It took Lynne almost 15 years to change career paths and become a coach.
Why did it take so long?
She constantly told herself that:
- It was too late for her.
- She wasn't smart enough to do it.
- She wasn't likable enough for people to want to work with her.
When she started examining these stories, she realised they were untrue and keeping her stuck and miserable on a career path that felt totally unfulfilling.
With the help of her coach, she replaced her stories with more helpful beliefs that propelled her to start and flourish in her business.
Making a change like that was no walk in the park, and it NEVER would have happened if she hung on to those same old crappy beliefs.
Bottom line:
You create your success based on what you tell yourself is possible for you.
Here's how we suggest you get started:
1. Identity: What stories are you telling yourself?
Everyone has unhelpful stories they tell themselves. What are yours?
Here are some common examples:
"I don't have enough experience/education/training."
"I'm too young/old."
"I can't afford to make a change in my career, even though I want more."
2. Examine: What impact are these stories having on your career and life?
What are the consequences of telling yourself these stories?
This is valuable because it helps identify any compelling reasons to change them.
"I don't have enough experience"
Potential consequence: You don't apply for jobs you may have otherwise gotten.
"I'm too old."
Potential consequence: You don't learn new skills that could have helped you grow and feel more fulfilled in your work for the next 20+ years.
"I can't afford to make a change in my career, even though I want more."
Potential consequence: You get to the end of your career and regret that you didn't find a way.
3. Replace: How can you change your stories to something more helpful?
Find better alternatives to your stories that meet the following criteria:
- are more helpful than the stories keeping you stuck, and
- Feel true for you. If the new belief just feels like fake positivity, try again. If you need help, reach out for support.
Change: "I don't have enough experience."
To something like: "It takes time to build experience. I'll apply for this role, and keep building my knowledge in the meantime so I can achieve my goals over time."
Change: "I'm too old."
To something like: "The longer I wait, the less time there will be. Unless I'm dead, there is time. "
Change: "I can't afford to make a change in my career, even though I want more."
To something like:"I always find a way to afford the things that matter most to me. I can find a way to invest in myself for a better future."
4. Reinforce: How can you make your new stories stick?
You've probably been thinking your old stories for a long time. If they're engained beliefs, like Lynne's were, they won't just go away because you want them to.
Try doing something symbolic to get rid of the old ones. Write them down and rip up the paper; or better yet, burn it as an act of letting them go.
Then, make your new beliefs stick. Write them down and repeat them to yourself multiple times a day.
For the action takers:
Use the 4 steps to identify, examine, replace and reinforce 1 story that's holding you back in your career.
We would love to hear how you go with this and don't forget to reach out if you get stuck.
Thanks so much for reading!
Speak soon,
Lynne and Steve
- If you want more career success, examining your mindset is a fundamental requirement. You can do this by looking at the stories you tell yourself.
- 4 steps to accelerate your career by telling yourself better stories:
- Identify: What stories are you telling yourself?
- Examine: What impact have these stories had on your career?
- Replace: How can you change these stories to something more helpful?
- Reinforce: How can you make your new stories stick?
When you're ready to accelerate your career, here's how to ask about working with us:
We offer career coaching & mentoring to support leaders to build confidence and achieve their goals, and are developing career-building courses coming soon.