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The BIGGEST Insight From Our Fortune 500 Keynote (Hint: People) - SWI #25

The BIGGEST Insight From Our Fortune 500 Keynote (Hint: People) - SWI #25

Lynne and Steve Lynne and Steve

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Next week, Steve is giving a keynote speech to 500+ people for an international Fortune 500 company.

His topic?

How to Unlock Your Network.

In preparing for this speech, he had one BIG question on his mind.

What’s the main reason WHY unlocking your network is so important?

We’ve spent months thinking about this, and have now written a book and course sharing how to leverage your network for more career and business success.

Today we want to let you in on the most powerful thing we’ve come to realise.

Let's get into it:

This is what we’ve seen repeatedly as business leaders and coaches:

PEOPLE are the main ingredient to your success.

However, most of us don’t act like it.

Here's what we mean:


1. Why people?

Think about the career path that you want.

How will you get there without the support of others?

You need:

  • People who will take a chance on you and offer new opportunities.
  • People who will be your advocate for raises or promotions.
  • People who will help you develop the skills and experience to be successful in your next role.
  • People who will share how to achieve success and avoid the mistakes they made on the way up.
  • People who will offer knowledge and guidance when you have big decisions to make.
  • People who will hold you accountable and share honest feedback when you stuff up.
  • People who will love and support you unconditionally when times are tough and you want to quit.
  • People who will inspire you to reach for bigger and better things, and fulfill your potential.

And if you want to grow a business, you also need:

  • People who will hire you or buy your products because they know, like, and trust you.
  • People who help you attract and retain great talent within your team.
  • People who will connect you with other partners, who will add value to your business.
  • People who will advise you on how to get off the wrong track and onto the right one.
  • People who will help you dream up and implement new ways of working and new products to offer that you’d never come up with on your own.
  • People who will help you cut through red tape and bureaucracy to get decisions made faster and implemented quicker.

The list is endless.

Without people, it’s a hard, lonely road that you move down pretty slowly.

So, people are important, right?

Do you have a people plan to leverage all this potential?

Most people don't.

2. Why don't we prioritise people planning?

Almost every executive, leader, and founder we meet can share their business plan, yearly budget, and weekly priorities.

We plan our holidays, weekends, and big events.

We have plans for everything, except the most important thing: our network and the people in it.

We're not planning how to unlock our network for career and business success.

Why is this?

When we speak to clients, the answer is usually for 1 of 3 reasons:

  1. They’ve never considered having a people plan before.
  2. They don’t know how to create one.
  3. They don’t have time or feel uncomfortable ‘networking’.

3. So what's the solution?

If you agree that people matter to your success (and assuming you want success), then here’s what we suggest:

  • Let us teach you the simple, step-by-step process to put a people plan together.
  • It will take you less than 30 minutes a day for 1 week, and it’s FREE.
  • We’ll not only teach you how to create a people plan, but we’ll make it easy to find the time and overcome the discomfort you may have around networking – even if you’re an introvert and people kind of scare you (this was Lynne’s challenge for YEARS).

Our Unlock Your Network course launches TOMORROW and will help you with all of it, so you don't miss the most important ingredient to your success: people.

You can pre-register here.

For the action takers:

1) Pre-register for access to the Unlock Your Network course and eBook when they launch tomorrow.

2) Audit yourself: Do you have a people plan?

  • If not, refer to 1) above and join the course.
  • If you do, refer to 1) above and make it better😉.

See you there!

Speak soon,

Lynne and Steve


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