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The Greats: The Mount Rushmore of Business - SWI #50

The Greats: The Mount Rushmore of Business - SWI #50

Lynne and Steve Lynne and Steve

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It’s Christmas Eve.

Let’s talk about the greatest gift ever.

For us, it’s knowledge.


The ability to learn from the greats.

Those who’ve come before us, and are now giants in their field.

The opportunity to learn from the mistakes, successes, and triumphs of the best of the best is, in our opinion, the greatest gift.

It saves you time, money, effort, confusion, and frustration.

And it gets you to the business and life you want faster, more easily, and with confidence.

So what can you learn from the greats in business, so you can succeed in yours?

Let’s get into it!

Sports does this really well.

Fans and commentators are constantly debating who’s on their Mount Rushmore (i.e. who are the top 4 all-time players in a sport).

Is it Messi, Ronaldo, Pele, Maradona, or Neymar?

Is it LeBron, Jordan, Kareem, Magic, or Bird?

Is it Federer, Nadal, Djokovic, Borg, or Sampras?

By listing and studying the greats, you can learn:

  • Their mindset
  • Their practice routines
  • Their strength training
  • Their body recovery
  • Their adjustments and tactics

The same is possible for business.


You need to master 6 pillars to build a healthy, thriving business:

  1. Strategy: Knowing where your business is going and how to get there.
  2. Finance: Understanding your profit, and working on the right things to maximise it.
  3. Leadership: Building a skilled team that works well together to achieve big outcomes.
  4. Operations: Using metrics, risk management, and leverage to boost your effectiveness.
  5. Customers: Having customers who love you.
  6. You: Knowing it all starts with you. If you don’t have the mindset and approach to grow your business, all the rest crumbles.

If you get these right, you’ll have a healthy, thriving business for years to come.

We suggest picking your greats across these categories and studying them deeply.


After heated debate, we selected our Mount Rushmore for each of the 6 pillars.

Of course, these lists will change as we keep learning, but here's where we landed for today:

  1. Strategy: Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Michael Porter, Jim Collins
  2. Finance: Charlie Munger, Ray Dalio, Napoleon Hill, Naval Ravikant
  3. Leadership: John Maxwell, Brené Brown, Simon Sinek, Jim Rohn
  4. Operations:Jack Welsh, Satya Nadella, Elon Musk (2nd appearance), Tim Cook
  5. Customers: Alex Hormozi, Brian Tracy, Seth Godin, Sarah Blakely
  6. You:Brené Brown​​​​​​​ (2nd appearance), Eckhart Tolle, Steven R. Covey, Tony Robbins

Who did we miss?

And who’s on your list?


The lessons are best, but another favourite part about creating your Mount Rushmore is the debate you get to have with other business nerds like us.

Here’s how we suggest learning & getting in on the action:

1) Go Down The Rabbit Hole:

a) List your top 5-10 greats in each category.

b) Choose your top 4.

c) Go down the rabbit hole and consume their content, knowledge, and advice.

Don’t stop here!

d) Apply it to your business (this is when you actually learn it).

e) Iterate and repeat.

Bonus Tip: Go narrow. Assess the skills you need, choose the most important one to improve, and start there (e.g. focus first on communication or influencing in the Leadership Category).

2) Get a Coach to Fast-Track The Benefits:

A great coach will curate the best lessons across all areas and help you apply them to your business, making the process much more efficient.

Bonus Tip: Find a coach who’s done it before and cares about your business as much as you do.

It’s time to get to work!

We have our Mount Rushmore in each category.

We’d love to hear yours, and how you’re applying their lessons to your business.

Happy Christmas Eve, and Happy Holidays from us to you,

Lynne & Steve


  • The greatest gift is learning from those who’ve come before us.
  • To grow a successful, thriving business, learn from the greats, and create your Mount Rushmore of Business.
  • Get a coach or do your research to accelerate your business.
  • Send us your Mount Rushmore!

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